Amazon FBA

Release time:2023-10-27Publisher: AdministratorBrowse:50 order



Multiple Private Label & Packaging Ideas

Low MOQ, tight budgets, and the difficulty of finding well-matched suppliers on Alibaba can make it hard to develop your brand products. We’re here to help you.

 Alter materials, sizes, and colors based on existing products

Develop brand new products according to your 3D designs

Customize packaging to stand out from your competitors

Kit and bundle products to generate more sales

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1-by-1 Quality Inspection

As an Amazon seller, getting bad reviews because of product quality issues can be fatal. Inspection companies and suppliers can check 20–30% of your boxes but they’ll only tell you whether the result is a fail or pass.

We can inspect your items one by one for just a small labor fee. We’ll identify every defective item and request the Chinese factory to fix it. Learn about our quality inspection.

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Low-cost Amazon FBA Labeling

The Amazon FBA label service fee is $0.55 per unit and that of the 3rd party is $0.2–$0.3 per unit. We can add labels for $5 per hour, which is much more cost-effective. The labels include:

 FNSKU label

Shipping label

Warning sticker

Other labels Amazon requires

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Flexible Transportation to Amazon Warehouse

Logistics costs can eat into your profits, andbeing out of stock hurts your product listing. Wearrange your shipment at the best shipping rate

Our freight forwarders handle the customs

clearance to ensure that your goods arrive at theAmazon warehouse safely and on time.

In addition to European and American countrieswe provide cost-effective shipping to lndia

Australia, the Middle East, and Singapore.

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High-quality Amazon Product Photography

Selling products is all about photos. Good visualssay more and faster. Our experiencedphotographers and designers help you createhero photos, lifestyle images, infographics, andvideo clips.its more cost-savino to use our servicethan it is to hire your own designers. it also savesyou time because we can finish shooting as wesource products for you.

We offer 3-5 white background product photosfor free if you use our Pro Plan.

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Free Storage in China for 1-2 months

Amazon storage is expensive. And during peak season, sellers have limited storage capacity in Amazon warehouses. We offer free storage for 1–2 months in China for your convenience.

To reduce Amazon storage fees, we can store some of your products in our warehouse and send them to the Amazon FBA warehouse in batches at different times when you need replenishment.

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Supply Chain Management for Big Amazon Sellers

Big Amazon sellers and Amazon aggregators have regular suppliers in China. However, they don’t want to spend a lot of time contacting suppliers or setting up sourcing departments in China due to high costs.

We offer a service fee as low as 5% or a fixed monthly fee of $5,000 to hire our full-time agent (for 200 hours per month). We can manage your existing supply chain, place orders, inspect goods, and arrange logistics.

If you’re not satisfied with your existing suppliers, we can help you find better suppliers with competitive prices.

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